Friday, December 12, 2008


I went out to check my Christmas lights this evening and
happened to look up and the most beautiful full moon was
coming up over the mountain. This photo does not do it
justice but I just had to take it.


Anne said...

I also seen that beauty of a moon over here on Peek-A-Boo Steet tonight. It was kind of eerie over here with the thin clouds going over it. We were coming home from my daughters house. Have a nice night.

Deann said...

Please don't think I am a copycat. I took a photo of the moon to post on my blog, too. It really was a lovely sight!

Tattycat said...

The moon really is beautiful tonight. Bill and I went out to see it earlier. You got a good picture.

Anonymous said...

I never got a chance to see the actual moon but when I woke up in the middle of the night I noticed how light it looked outside and thought to myself that it had to be a full moon because the street lights don't make that much light.