Friday, April 9, 2010

Another Update on Mom

Here is what the doctors told us about Mom yesterday...
  • Her pneumonia has worsened.
  • She has some blood on her brain, possibly caused by another stroke.
  • Her dialysis treatments have been changed to the 24 hour continuous type,which should be easier on her body.
  • She will have a tracheotomy performed on Monday, since having the ventilator tube down your throat for a long period of time can do damage.
  • Her tube feedings continue to go well.
Thanks once again for all the encouraging comments you have been leaving here on Mom's blog. I apologize for not responding to all of them, but I want you to know they are greatly appreciated during this stressful time.

~ Deann


Tattycat said...

Thank you again, Deann. I'm sure we all understand that you can't respond to each comment. We just want to be supportive and I appreciate the information that you give us here. We continue to pray and keep all of you in our thoughts. Please give your dad a hug from me when you can.

Packrat said...

Oh, Deann, I'm so sorry you didn't get great news your mom. We do understand that you can't respond to each comment. I think you are doing extremely well to keep us informed at all. As Tattycat said, "we continue to pray and keep all of you in our thoughts." One can never know another's exact feelings, but I do understand what you are going through. My heart is breaking for all of you, but especially for your dad. A big to you, Dear.

Anonymous said...

Deann, I am so sorry. I continue to pray for all of you. My heart is just breaking. Thank you for keeping us all up dated.