Wednesday, June 1, 2011


"June is the month of dreams, I think;

Gardeners watch their roses, pink.

Birds leave the nest and try their wings

And songbirds learn just how to sing.

Brides have planned for the perfect day

When to their love their vows will say.

June is a month of graduations; proud

parents give congratulations.

The birth of baby girls and boys makes

us look at tiny toys.

First communions are realized; decisions

taken to change lives.

Recitals seem to be everywhere; dancing

and music is in the air.

June is the month to sing your joy--The

month of dreams for you to enjoy."

~Joan Adams Burchell~

1 comment:

Packrat said...

One would think that June would be a month of joy, but it snowed on us yesterday and the furnace is running as I type. The trees are just barely leafed out; the lilacs and the apple tress are just starting to bloom. The spirea and peonies haven't even thought of opening up. Global warming? I don't think so.