Friday, March 1, 2013


"March is a month of considerable frustration - it is so near spring, and yet across a great deal of the country the weather is still so violent and changeable that outdoor activity in our yards seems light years away." ~Thalassa Cruso~ "The March wind roars like a lion in the sky, and makes us shiver as he passes by. When winds are soft, and the days are warm and clear, just like a gentle lamb, then spring is here." ~Author Unknown~ I hope everyone has a blessed first day of March and that spring will be here for all soon.


Deann said...

Looking forward to Spring!

bj said...

Hi, Maddy...what a lovely header you have for March...just beautiful.
Out here in West Texas, spring brings winds and blowing sand. We usually have a lot of sandstorms that are just horrible. By summer, generally the wind quits and we have beautiful but H.O.T. summers. :)
So, you can see that spring is not my favorite season.
Thanks for all your well wishes for getting sure has been a wicked virus.