Thursday, January 6, 2011



Tomorrow smile at someone that you've never seen before.
Take time to think of others that you feel compassion for.

Tomorrow tell somebody how they brighten your day.
Let random acts of kindness put your feelings on display.

Tomorrow hug your children somewhat tighter than before.
Be sure to think of all the things you can be thankful for.

Pat your dog a little longer.
Hug and kiss your husband/wife.
Thank your God for granting you another day of life.
~Michael Mack~


Packrat said...

Such a lovely little poem. Thanks for sharing. Do you still have snow on the ground?

Deann said...

That's a lovely poem, but since we aren't promised tomorrow, we should do all those things TODAY!

Madeline's Album said...

Packrat, No the snow is all gone but they are saying we may have some more this Sunday and Monday. Deann you are so right.