Wednesday, June 16, 2010


When you come to the end
of a perfect day, and you sit
alone with your thought, while
chimes ring out with carol gay,
for the joy that day has brought,
do you think what the end of a
perfect day can mean to a tired
heart, when the sun goes down
with a flaming ray and the dear
friends have to part?

Well this is the end of a perfect
day, near the end of a journey too,
but it leaves a thought that is big
and strong, with a wish that is kind
and true, for mem'ry has painted
this perfect day with colors that
never fade, and we find at the end
of a perfect day, the soul of a friend
we've made.
~Carrie Jacobs-Bond~


Deann said...

That's a nice poem.

farmlady said...

Being aware of our blessings and the world around us makes our lives much more wonderful...
Sweet poem.

Anonymous said...

This is so beautiful! Thank you Madeline. I hope you are having a lovely and blessed day ♥

Packrat said...

Wonderful poem. Thanks for posting it.

How are you doing?