Tuesday, November 25, 2008


In a world that's often too busy, may we
find in each of our days little ways to
slow the pace and enjoy simple, quiet
moments of thanksgiving.

1 comment:

Anne said...

That is exactly what I needed to hear during this busy time of year. Thank you for that little up-lift. :-)Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. It's funny, I have an old movie that I taped from Turner Classic Movie channel. Show Boat is the one I'm going to watch. Now you peeked my curiosity. I'm wondering if it's the same movie your talking about. I just love old movies. I think I even like them better than the movies that they come out with now. My best...Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers! Love, love them! I could watch those two dance all night! So dreamy.....awww.