Friday, July 9, 2010


When my husband planted his tomato plants he
used some of the material from his compost pile.
Lo and behold this vine came up around his
tomato plants. We left it to see what it was. It now
has numerous blooms and one small fruit which we
are watching to see what it is going to turn out to be.


Deann said...

I say it's a watermelon.

Anonymous said...

Interesting.. the leaf doesn't look like any watermelon I've seen.. but then who knows :-)
Keep us posted.

Anonymous said...
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Packrat said...

Might be a cross of some kind or a different melon like casaba or honeydew. I don't really know. Whatever it is, I'm sure it will be tasty.

Anonymous said...

How cool is that! It does look like a warermellon but time will tell :>) My tomatoes didn't do well at all. So much for hanging tomatoes. I hope you and your hubby have a wonderful week.

Anonymous said...
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Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Good morning my Dear friend...Thanks for coming by...Now the swap meeet is on 21th street it has over 300 dealers each month it was started 3 years ago...don't know when you lived in Sac if it was there or not...I try not to miss a one but winter time I don't care to go to cold for my old bones to be out and about...
Why did you move from Calif?? I just love it here weather wise that is not tax wise...also don't like seeing all my neighbors losing their jobs and homes very sad time in our nation right now...I'm so blessed to have my home paid for and I never use a credit card unless I can pay it off when the bill comes in...
How are you feeling my friend..I have been so busy taking care of Candace and her home and trying to keep up with my own...but it's only for a short time I have to do this until we have a healthy baby...They the doctors said the baby is 3 lbs now...funny how they can tell how much it weights and it's not even born yet...times sure do change...Hope you have a GREAT week my friend...Hugs and smiles to ya, Gl♥ria ps I have not a clue about veggie plants ha ha!!